Ashoka finds and fosters the most powerful emergent ideas being led by the most effective social entrepreneurs and helps to facilitate a shift in worldwide existing conditions of education, nutrition, youth development, business practices, and more to provide a global atmosphere more conducive to Everyone a Changemaker.
« The exploitation of the poor can be extinguished not by effecting the destruction of a few millionaires, but by removing the ignorance of the poor and teaching them to non-co-operate with their exploiters. That will convert the exploiters also. » Mohandas Gandi, July 28th, 1940
Un site pour savoir qui est qui dans le monde des multinationales et juger de leur éthique.
La mission de Philosophie & Management est d’organiser des conférences et des séminaires publics ou des interventions en entreprise durant lesquels des philosophes (académiques) dialoguent avec des non-philosophes (managers ou non) sur des questions liées au management ou à la gestion d'entreprises. Ces événements ont pour but d'une part d'aider les non-philosophes à prendre conscience de certains impensés, préjugés, idéologies,... qui affectent les/leurs pratiques managériales actuelles et d'autre part d'aider les philosophes à confronter leurs concepts à l'expérience pratique des non-philosophes.
Your guide to networks of power, lobbying, public relations and the communications activities of governments and other interests. Powerbase is a project of Spinwatch and several other organisations.
The news that didn't make the news
Founded in 2005, Public Interest Investigations (PII) carries out cutting-edge research into key social, political, environmental and health issues in the UK and Europe.
The Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights (the Institute) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) human rights organization dedicated to the promotion and defense of internationally recognized worker rights in the global economy.